Suicidal Killers Beware. Be warned. - Wednesday , February 14 , 2007 because we love blood!

Updated Wednesday. hopefully..

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Well, it's almost been half a year, since the last time I wrote ANYTHING about my 'oh, so stressfull life', and now is that time of the year, where people really hate me, because I'm always so relaxed.. I always take care of my christmas shopping late in August, but this year is different... OMIGAWD! And the fact, that the comic updates daily isn't helping, especially because my buffer is soon to expire!! (Mid-January, if I'm lucky) So... anyways, I'm not stressed, I'm not under pressure, I'm not sick... I'm not alive... :P
okay, that's not completely true, but it sure feels like that sometimes.. Anyways, wish me luck on my exams this christmas...
I love you! ^^

WHIEE! Just finished linking to webcomics and so... Ahhh, now for something COMPLETELY different; ICE CREAM!!!!

Well, okay, just got back from Scotland (the haggis was GREAT) and whatnot. So, I haven't really been around for awhile, darn, I hate that! XD But I think you'll survive. Well, plot thickens, and I'm already 34 pages (inked and cleaned-up) ahead of my already pretty large buffer. I also just finished drawing and inking the 25-page-christmas-filler, and that was fun drawing, can't wait to color it. I have WAY too much sparetime. Geez, I really should do something else... I should get a hobby or something. I need more friends XD! Oh, well, aside from all that, life is working out great, and eventhough it's really hot and the sun is shining I'm still pale as a corpse (^^)! Oh-ho-ho, hope you're all having a blast!
It's summer vacation! Yeeeee-haaaw!
I'm seriously freaking myself out now... I need to look at some colors.... o.o
BYYYEEEEE! *huggles everyone*

ALRIIIGHT! Colors! AND, I updated some stuff, like, the atist section (Beware of the randomness!). I really should study for that stupid Danish test now. Bye, then. See yaaa!
Oh, by the way, next weeks update - WAY better than this...
Ooooooooooooooooo..... XD

Alright, finally, better shading, now the quality of the comic will increase! This is a lot better than the previous pages, but still, the upcoming pages will be better. (And colored in two weeks!!!)

Hoo-hoo! There's a plot? Well, that's just great. Anyway, except for my buffer (I'm 8 pages ahead) I've actually made art for a bonus art day, for my birthday (this little girl turns 16!), that is. Well, I'm trying to get some more html to work (last time Ida, one of my best friends, helped me). Oh, and I've already made a full-color page, so you ought to see some in the near future. Until then, enjoy the comic as it is now. Or you could look at my deviant art gallery; . That's it for now, artist is out.

GEEZ! This is totally wearing me out! I feel sooo stressed! It just won't work! I keep on getting those damn red X'es!!!! Arrrrghhh!!! *hates HTML right now*

and thus I try to make the design work... I guess it'll take me a loooong time, though... ^^

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Suicidal Killers is kindly hosted on Comic Genesis,
a webcomic hosting server/site (something), which is better than drunkduck! (CG ROXx00rS!!!)