About the artist :
The simple ones:
Lea aka. UHC, or just Hentai-Lea... You choose! ^^
16. YAAAY!!!
My imagination is where I belong, or just Denmark.
Otaku’s, hentai, anime, manga, autumn, black, music, cats, wolves, my friends… you know… the usual.
Angst, Naruto (or do I love it?), emo’s, silence, small children, boys (most of ‘em) and summer.
Some of the things you don’t actually NEED to know:
Well, I’ve been drawing my whole life, not that it shows. I really like this comic… at least it’s better, than my Harry Potter fan comics. Soooo ANYWAY this is a pretty complicated story. I don’t know why I started doing it; I guess I was just bored? (NO! Don’t think that little of me!! XD) I wanted to do this, I’ve always wanted to do a comic, which could not be completely categorised. Because that’s just the way I am ^^.
Email me?:
If you send me an E-mail, please make sure, that you write S.K. or Suicidal Killers somewhere in the subject. I don’t want your mails to end up in junk-mail. ^^ You can send me an email about anything.
Other comics?
Yea, actually, I am trying to get my Parapro & co. up and running, but it doesn’t seem to like me.
(Parapro… I did that, when I was 13, so it sucks! But it’s a lot of fun, I think ^^)
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I hope this crap works XD