Okay, so if you want to link S.K. feel welcome to use these:
And then, there are the webcomics I read:

A comic by one of my best friends - TEH IDA! This comic is about: Alien insects without any magical powers. A girl WITH magical powers. And a girl, who WISH she had magical powers. Then there's Yuri, fanservice and mechanical devices. Worthwhile, if you ask me. BTW, this comic was originally made for a feminine audience, and I must say... Ida does a pretty good job keeping it that way, even if SHE doesn't think so. Take a look at it! NOW! I beg you! (The art is so beautiful, you HAVE to check it out!)

One of the funniest / most serious webcomics about teenage girls I've ever read! I could read it over and over again, and I would never get bored, it's sweet, mean and neat! I simply ADORE T. Campbell and Gisèle Lagace!

This is so great! Candi is a very well-drawn/ well-written story about a girl and her crew... and her flying ferret... and her pink hair... READ IT! You know you want to!

Ah, the sweetness! I get so carried away, whenever I read it! It's so alive! And please don't tell me, you've NEVER heard of Red String!! (Gina rocks!)

Inverloch! It's long, but every page is a pleasure to look at, and a pleasure to read.

This is not as sweet as it sounds, though. It's a pretty serious shoujo-drama. I almost cried, when I read this for the first time... maybe because I'm a sensitive girrrrl. ^_~, it is very pretty, and worth a peek... well, a lot more than that, actually!

Another shoujo-drama! This time, a girl finds out, that she is a princess! Oh, and she can do magic and stuff! Go read it!!!!!!
I know, I don't read a lot. But I enjoy every second of it, thanks to all these great comic-ka's!
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