About J-sempai :
Name: Jacob, at least that's what they called me in my dream.
Nickname: J-sempai.
DOB: somwhere around 1989/1990 I think
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Light pink-ish...
Nationality: Australian
Favorite color: Blue (New Girls' hair color)
Favorite music: Emo music! I like H.I.M and stuff like that... My Chemical Romance... y'know..
Animal: I like fuzzy kittens. Especially black ones!
Fav. Quote: "Emo just means 'I'm sad so I'm going to sing (READ: whine) about it!"
S.K.?: Sacrificial K- NO! I won't tell you!
Sin: Lust
Punishment: To be smothered in fire and brimstone
Guardian demon: Asmodeus
Virtue: Patience
Searching for: Peace
Power: Has x-ray sight and can see through stuff... even girls' clothing...
Wants: N-chan.
Highest wish: To have sex with N-chan... but not against her will... not yet... let's wait and see, how it goes...
People she like: Uhm, please don't call me a 'she', I get that too often... but I like people, no, I love them.
People he don't like: can make him upset and angry... or tease him 'till he almost dies (but he likes N-chan anyway)
Favorite thing in the whole world is: N-chan's body, her smile, her... everything about N-chan...
Caracters in the comic;
New girl is: Perfect!
M-san is: Sweet to me.
K-sama is: I dunno...
P-dono is: a bimbo, but sweet.
T-kun is: My best friend.
J-senpai is: EMO!
A-sensei is: ... I... I can't tell you...
- end -