About K-sama :
Name: Je m'appelle Katherine, I think.
Nickname: K-sama.
DOB: I think I'm twelve, my lack of boobs should tell.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blond, and don't go wild with calling me names. I will set you on FIRE!
Nationality: French... and NO! I don't like to eat friggin' toads and frogs!
Favorite color: Light blue.
Favorite music: Opera! It sounds so beautiful, especially Carmen or Figaro's wedding!
Animal: I'm allergic!
Fav. Quote: "Sight is a big part of our existence, but it shouldn't make us blind to other things."
S.K.?: Sui.... wait... I don't have to tell you!!!
Sin: Envy
Punishment: To be placed in freezing water
Guardian demon: Leviathan
Virtue: Self-restraint
Searching for: Will. Yes, it shouldn't be that hard to find one, as willing to fight for justice as I am...
Power: Can freeze time.
Wants: to find herself.
Highest wish: To fly away from all the chaos.
People she like: Are shy, but sweet to her. (And often they ignore her)
People she don't like: She actually likes everyone, she just won't admit it.
Favorite thing in the whole world is: Love. Friendships. Freedom.
Caracters in the comic;
New girl is: Sweet, I actually like her.
M-san is: A pain in the...
K-sama is: I'm not the sweetest person on earth.
P-dono is: My friend, I hope.
T-kun is: My enemy.
J-senpai is: ... freaky, he's been in love with me...
A-sensei is: ... gone...
- end -