About M-san :
Name: I chose to be called Mathilda
Nickname: M-san, because I'm cool... or something..
DOB: 8.th October 1989
Eye color: Dark purple
Hair color: Black-ish purple
Nationality: Russian
Favorite color: Purple!! But also ruby red...
Favorite music: Hardcore, Funkish HIP HOP AND R'N'B, and of course RAP!
Animal: Cat, because they're cool!
Fav. Quote: "Only God can judge me"
S.K.?: Silence! Only
we know about that!
Sin: Sloth
Punishment: To be thrown in a snake pit
Guardian demon: Belphegor
Virtue: Charity
Searching for: Kindness in people
Power: Snakes, and other yucky stuff, My power is fear, but SHHH... don't tell anyone!
Wants: T-kun (secretly)
Highest wish: To never be bored
People she like: are WILD
People she don't like: Are geeky and boring.
Favorite thing in the whole world is: Love and rythm! (Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, baby!)
Caracters in the comic;
New girl is: Sweet. Boring, but cute.
M-san is: Like, the coolest mama EVER!
K-sama is: annoying!
P-dono is: My honey! Homie or life... never boring, but sometimes a little scary..
T-kun is: Alright, I guess.. (READ: HOT-HOT-HOT)
J-senpai is: My best friend!
A-sensei is: ... dead...
- end -